14 March – Deeper Change Part 3: Nurturing ongoing collaborative leadership inquiry

  Nugget of Learning: Implementing and Sustaining: Maggie presented processes to support the implementing and sustaining of strategies to progress identified school strategic goals for 2024. A key practice that enables us address deeper and unproductive habitual practices is engaging in dialogue. During this workshop we offered some tools and guidelines that help shift conversations…

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13 March – Deeper Change Part 3: Nurturing ongoing collaborative leadership inquiry

  Nugget of Learning: Implementing and Sustaining: Maggie presented processes to support the implementing and sustaining of strategies to progress identified school strategic goals for 2024. A key practice that enables us address deeper and unproductive habitual practices is engaging in dialogue. During this workshop we offered some tools and guidelines that help shift conversations…

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15 Feb – Deeper Change Part 1: Revisiting implementation gaps

  With a focus on starting well with the new school year, planning has taken priority both collectively and individually. Within days once students are back, the familiar patterns kick in, and our focus (rightly) turns to the present situation, the following day, and the rest of the week. Sometimes, our interventions regarding patterns may…

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14 Feb – DEEPER CHANGE (Part one) Revisiting implementation gaps

  With a focus on starting well with the new school year, planning has taken priority both collectively and individually. Within days once students are back, the familiar patterns kick in, and our focus (rightly) turns to the present situation, the following day, and the rest of the week. Sometimes, our interventions regarding patterns may…

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