If you had registered in previous years for the ELN or NLN, please log in if you wish to review the content from these sessions. Please use the same login and password as you used previously on the ELN-NLN web site.

If you had previously registered for the ELN or NLN and will be taking part in the programme for 2025, please login and complete the form requesting access to 2025 that will be visible on the Home page after you have logged in.

If you are new to the ELN or NLN in 2025 and have never previously registered, please click register from the menu and complete the registration form.

The Eastern Learning Network established 2013

The Northern Learning Network established 2021


Leadership to ensure the implementation and sustaining of school practice to positively impact learning and teaching.

A Partnering Facilitative Approach – Keeping the Goal in Mind

  • Implementing and sustaining leadership to realise growth in leading capabilities to positively impact learning and teaching.
  • Inquirying into what leadership looks like in your school and network context.
  • Bridging the gap between our learning Network sessions and our leadership practice to implement and sustain learning, teaching and leading practice.
  • Ensuring the implementation and sustaining of school leading and teaching practice to positively impact learning and teaching.
  • Building cohesion and connectivity between Senior Leaders and Middle Leaders
  • Making connections at school and system (Kahui Ako) levels as we learn from each other.
  • Supporting leaders to upskill all teachers in having facilitative learning conversations.


  • Professional Learning underpinned by theory and research to grow leadership capabilities within and across schools
  • Opportunities to work collaboratively with Osprey Learning Networks schools
  • Breakfast workshops three times through the first second and third school terms and twice in the fourth term
  • Opportunities to participate in research
  • Presentations and workshops provided through Osprey Consulting by a highly regarded team of researchers and practitioners with Dr Howard Youngs as primary partner through re-new Leadership Development and Training
  • Online resources including all workshop videos and slides, access to Network Forums and Learning Sessions.


Maggie 2019 101x115

Maggie Ogram
Director - Osprey Consulting

Deidre Le Fevre

Deidre Le Fevre
Professor - University of Auckland

Julie Roberts 101x115

Julie Roberts
Kaitohu Mātauranga/Kairangahau | Education Adviser/Researcher, NZCER


Our team of researchers follow through with longitudinal research study into teacher collaborative inquiry practice in the Osprey Learning Networks to provide members with feedback to further inform their learning needs in their context. The research continues to be shared as a resource on various platforms globally.


Revisiting and enriching collaborative learning using a members’ only website that provides:

  • Video recording of each workshop
  • Resource slides for each session
  • Nuggets of learning as presented by Network members
  • Membership directory to facilitate further collaboration
  • Workshop forums

Contact Us

Please complete the form below if you are interested in joining either of the networks in 2024 and we will get back to you promptly.

Please DO NOT complete this form if you are registering from a school that has already agreed to be part of the programme for 2025. Please click Register on the menu to complete your registration instead.

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Please indicate which network you are interested in.
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What Your Colleagues Are Saying

Osprey Learning Networks provide us with:

  • Quality presentation and speakers.
  • Well-paced interactive Workshops.
  • On-going co-created learning specific to our leadership team’s needs.
  • Time for us to reflect as a team in relation to what our Collaborative Leadership looks like to best impact school improvement.
  • The online resources provide us with the material to re- visit and unpack the learning content as a leadership team.

Lucy Naylor, Principal, Milford School
talks about the NLN

Read the publication by Howard Youngs and Maggie Ogram

Multi-Level Leadership Development Using Co-Constructed Spaces with Schools: A Ten-Year Journey

Osprey Consulting uses the Milford Cruising Club as our venue for the Northern Learning Network sessions.

We highly recommend them if you need a welcoming and professional North Shore venue.