17 November – enCOMPASSing Part two: Focusing on a 2023 priority through multiple frames
This workshop followed on from the enCOMPASS activities you started to work on during the last workshop of term three. Subsequently, we asked that you please bring your A3 worksheets from that workshop with you for this one. The time in school groups was an opportunity to practise the learning points from Mark’s workshop…
Read More9 November – enCOMPASSing Part two: Focusing on a 2023 priority through multiple frames
This workshop followed on from the enCOMPASS activities you started to work on during the last workshop of term three. You were asked to please bring your A3 worksheets from that workshop with you for this one. The time in school groups was an opportunity to practise the learning points from Mark’s workshop earlier…
Read More27 October – enCOMPASSing Part one: Using multiple framing to plan ahead
In this first workshop of two we deliberately encompassed some of your journeys through 2022 and especially some of your direction shifts related to student learning and hauora. Opportunity was provided for you to hear and learn from others again across the NLN with another Nugget of Learning. This is weaving together in action…
Read More19 October – Positive Professional Conversations
An essential element of wayfinding leadership is the development of a team culture that values and promotes positive professional conversations: robust debate about professional issues that matter. This session unpacked two frameworks that are useful for creating the conditions for positive professional conversations as well as acting as processes staff can use to engage in…
Read More28 September – Multiple framing: enCOMPASSing recent paths to plan ahead
In this workshop we deliberately encompassed some of your journeys through 2022 and especially some of your direction shifts related to student learning and hauora. Opportunity was provided for you to hear and learn from others again across the ELN with another Nugget of Learning. This is weaving together in action (Rangatira as explained by…
Read More22 September – The paradox of embracing tension and resistance as an expression of collective effort
Intentionally keeping aware of your sub-cultures across your school and Kāhui Ako is one way in which you can discern the depth and criticalness of positive professional conversations. This workshop continued the threads developed in Mark’s recent workshop with connections back to our earlier focus on inclusive practices. We drew on the concept of…
Read More1 September – Positive Professional Conversations
An essential element of wayfinding leadership is the development of a team culture that values and promotes positive professional conversations: robust debate about professional issues that matter. This session unpacked two frameworks that are useful for creating the conditions for positive professional conversations as well as acting as processes staff can use to engage…
Read More24 August – The paradox of embracing tension and resistance as an expression of collective effort
Intentionally keeping aware of your sub-cultures across your school and Kāhui Ako is a key aspect of ‘walking in and through’ complexity. This workshop continued the threads developed in Deidre’s recent workshop with connections back to our earlier focus on inclusive practices and using data within your real-world context. We drew on the notion of…
Read More4 August – Inclusive leadership in complex times: Keeping priority learners at the forefront while …
Building on from your previous workshop on using data with Mo, we turned our attention to applying the key messages from his workshop to priority learners and barriers to learning. At the start of the workshop we revisited the questions Mo raised at the end of his presentation: What were the key messages that stood…
Read More3 August – Leading in complex times
Building on from your previous workshop on using data with Mo, we turned our attention to applying the key messages from his workshop to priority learners and barriers to learning. At the start of the workshop we revisited the questions Mo raised at the end of his presentation: What were the key messages that stood…
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