23 September – Why Genuine Inquiry Matters

Inquiry is something leaders and educators are expected to engage with yet it can be challenging. Humans are hard-wired to make assumptions and jump to conclusions. In this session we will explore what genuine inquiry means, why it matters, and what makes it difficult. We will practice some strategies to help ourselves and others engage…

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2 September – Engaging with resistance to change

People resist change for a range of reasons; some logical and some not. Understanding where resistance comes from is the first step in developing a productive response to it. This workshop will look at three common forms of resistance to change and the best ways to engage with them. Click Here to download the Questions…

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5 August – Tackling the challenges of time and coherence

Making progress means making better use of time and data. What can schools do differently that allows more time for leaders and teachers to work together productively? How can you use data efficiently to support progress? Cathy Wylie shared insights from research. Click Here to download a pdf of the slides

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8 July – Engaging with resistance to change

When implementing new practices, reactions inevitably vary from strong support through to vocal resistance. This session explored where resistance to change comes from; ways to minimise it ahead of time; as well as the best ways to respond to resistance when it occurs. When understood and responded to appropriately, resistance to change can result in…

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11 Mar – Team learning: A key enabler of transformative leadership inquiry

Collaborative leadership inquiries occur in and across groups, where learning is collective. There are enablers and barriers to group/team learning, some you may have experienced and others you may not be aware of. Many enablers are aligned to critical reflective practice and dialogue, whereas a number of the barriers can be traced back to untested…

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