12 August – Benefits from Collaborative School Cultures

Cathy Wylie shares insights about the value of teamwork around what really matters, drawing on the recently released 2019 NZCER national survey of primary schools, and a forthcoming bibliographic overview of the research on scaling up innovation in schools. Click here to respond to the Workshop Forum Group Task for this session. Download a pdf…

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22 July – Further Unpacking: Principles behind Successful Practices

This session picked up from the last one by exploring not just what worked well but why it worked. By looking at the principles behind the successful practices you have identified and by understanding any potential barriers that might be present, you will develop a plan for more wide-spread adoption of these promising practices amongst…

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15 April – What Really Matters Now

This workshop splits into 3 segments as we consider “What Really Matters Now” 3 weeks into Covid-19 lockdown. Maggie Ogram, Howard Youngs and Cathy Wylie as a team co-facilitate the following material. Segment 1: Coaching to support learning, teaching and leading adaptably: Making it real We introduce this workshop by revisiting the belief in coaching…

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19 February – TRANSPARENCY – sustaining and developing collaborative practices for 2020

Collaboration threads through all of the leadership practices and settings identified by ELN schools at the close of our workshops in 2019. Themes included schools’ recognition of the need for practices such as strong relational trust, connectedness, critical collaborative inquiry, clarity and creating opportunities. Sitting beneath these is the crucial need for transparency. In this…

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