ELN 2025 Programme dates and venue

Focus for Year

Leadership capabilities to ensure the implementation and sustaining of school practice to positively impact learning and teaching

Schedule of Professional Learning 2025

Term 1

12 February
26 February
12 March

Term 2

7 May
15 May
25 June

Term 3

30 July
20 August
10 September

Term 4

22 October
12 November


Elim Botany Campus

159 Botany Road, Botany Downs, Auckland 2010

Wednesday 12 February
7:00 am – 8:20 am
Elim Christian College, Botany Campus


Implementing and Sustaining School Learning, Teaching and Leading Improvement: Setting the scene

Nugget of Learning: A school from our network shares a key insight into a collaborative leadership practice they find impactful.

In this first session for the year we set the scene for our learning together in 2025. Our learning focus for the year is leadership to ensure the implementation and sustaining of school practice to positively impact learning and teaching. School teams refer back to the focus or foci identified for development during 2024 and the status of these at the close of 2024. Teams reflect on their key learnings from the ELN professional learning sessions from last year and how these may be applied in teaching and leading practices to align with identified/ emerging as priority areas for development in 2025. The Leadership Capability Framework is a key resource is underpinning learning in our 2025 workshops with the focus on: Building and sustaining collective leadership and professional community.

Listening Deck: At the end of each session this term you pair with someone from another school to share impactful practices and to develop closer across school connections.

ELN Team for this session: Maggie Ogram

Wednesday 26 February
7:00 am – 8:20 am
Elim Christian College, Botany Campus


Data Informed School Practices

In this session we focus on unpacking and using data to support and inform school teams as they formulate and habitually review their 2025 Action Plan. The purpose is to inform teams’ on-going implementation, sustaining, and data informed adaption of leading and teaching actions. School teams bring data to the session as evidence to inform school teams’ learning conversation regarding the on-going implementation and sustaining of leading and teaching actions.

Nugget of Learning: Implementing and Sustaining: We hear from one of our network schools in relation to their leadership practices to support the implementing and sustaining of strategies to progress identified school strategic goals for 2024.
Listening Deck: At the end of each session this term you pair with someone from another school to share impactful practices and to develop closer across school connections.

ELN Team for this session: Julie Roberts, Maggie Ogram

Wednesday 12 March
7:00 am – 8:20 am
Elim Christian College, Botany Campus


Professional Conversations

In this session we focus on how to have effective professional conversations that sustain improvement in our professional communities. Specifically, we focus on how to receive feedback well. What do our conversations look like to realise optimum gains and wins in building and sustaining collective leadership and professional community?

Nugget of Learning: Implementing and Sustaining: We hear from one of our network schools in relation to their leadership practices to support the implementing and sustaining of strategies to progress identified school strategic goals for 2024.
Listening Deck: At the end of each session this term you pair with someone from another school to share impactful practices and to develop closer across school connections.

ELN Team for this session: Deidre Le Fevre and Maggie Ogram


Download a pdf of the Term 3 Calendar here

If you have any queries regarding these forthcoming sessions please contact:
